Hard to believe how fast this whole process is going!! I am starting day 3 and down 3 lbs already!

Day 2 meals were so filling! On day one after shocking my body with not eating cookies, coffee, or junk food at all I was a little fatigued but I am really starting to feel better. My body just feels "cleaner", not sure if that makes sense to you guys but hey!

Also, this program is really teaching me different ways to eat and to cook. While the purpose by the end is to be gluten, meat, and dairy free, the recipes are very flavorful and make the idea of being a vegan or vegetarian a bit easier to handle for the time being (sorry guys I LOVE my chicken and turkey).

The other new thing is no matter what I need to have the right amount of energy for this whole process to work. So at first the not working out thing was a huge issue but with a sprained ankle you can't go too wrong with staying off of it and focusing on nutrition. And honestly, thank God! It hurts so much so focusing on this distracts my mind.  Besides not working out getting plenty of sleep is crucial. Usually I can get by with 5.5-7 hours and be functioning etc. However, the UR will not work right if you do not let your body rest and heal. So now I am getting at least 7 and listening to my body for when it says you need more sleep...hence my 9 pm bed time haha!

At any rate..so far so good!! One last thing I need to go to the store tonight so I am going to draw the rest out one day so I can make sure I follow the food guidelines 100%. so sticking to the recipes today that I have and skipping supplements until tomorrow!


While this time of year is the easiest time of year to throw in the towel, now is the most important time for you to keep yourself on track and getting at least 20 minutes a day!

As I have said before this time of year is very well known for weight gain and the eating holidays, but not for you!! Even if you don’t lose weight if you can get through these days without gaining that is still a huge accomplishment!

Even if you are busy here are some ideas for non-traditional calorie killers!

If you are shopping…

·         Carry the basket and do not push the cart

·         Park far from the entrance

·         Eat before you go

·         In line…(yes people may look at you funny but worth the booty of your dreams!)  squat and lunge while waiting

Getting ready/cooking…

·         Lunge while going from various places around your house

·         Squeeze in a HIIT (High intensity interval training workout) while the food cooks

·         Squat while you brush your teeth/shower

·         Plank every time you do _____ activity.

·         Make a game out of it!


·         Stand and wrap gifts

·         Lunge while you vacuum/clean

·         Drink your shakeology in place of one meal to curb cravings

·         Water, water, water!

·         Get in your veggies

We all have to eat to live of course and most people are definitely not able to grow and produce their own foods so we rely heavily on the grocery store. Unfortunately, these stores are mostly concerned with roping you in to make a profit rather than helping you stay and buy healthy products! So these are my top "fat free" shopping tips!!

1) Make a list before you go and stick to it! I've said it before and I will say it again...PLAN PLAN PLAN AHEAD!! This will really help you stay on track! If it isn't in your meal plan for the week do not put it into your cart! Simple!

2) Steer clear of those inner aisles!
"If it can go bad its good for you, if it won't its not." And what do we find in these aisles? JUNK AND PRESERVATIVES! So skip it! Stick to the outer ring produce, dairy, etc.

3) Eat before you go! Chances are the more hungry you are the better all those pastries and sweets will look even better so eat a little snack or piece of fruit before you go!

4) Read your labels...can you pronounce it? If not drop it!
Time to think like a chemist...If it wasn't found in nature/you cannot pronounce it its not something your body needs. Single ingredients are key! Ex: strawberries, apples, chicken

5) Sugar content...keep it in the single digits!Sugar is the serious cause for weight gain in our country so for added sugars...keep it in the single digits!!

6) If it's not in season buy frozen! Frozen foods are picked in the height of the season so these are another great option and can be cheaper in produce too!

7) Skip the end caps- these are the junky foods/sale foods and they are on sale for a reason!!!! BECAUSE THEY ARE NASTY! Avoid!

8) Kids...leave em home or make a game out of it!
It's no surprise these stores/companies are marketing to our kids...sad but true. They put it at eye level!!  So don't bring them OR make a game out of finding the healthy foods!! Teaching them how to enjoy these things will teach good habits too :-)

9)Skip the samples! These stores are trying again to get you to buy stuff but also this is increasing your waistline! Just avoid these too!

10) At the checkout counter...they load these areas with sweets and sugars again..nope NOT FOR YOU!!